EMMC20 contact email: info@emmc20.unifi.it
Conference Chairs:
Prof. Roberto Brighenti - Univ. of Florence email
Prof. Marco Paggi - IMT Alti Studi, Lucca email
Prof. Roberto Paroni - Univ. of Pisa email
Prof. Antonio De Simone - S. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa email
The Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Univ. of Florence will organize the conference, which will be located in the Palazzo dei Congressi (Map), close to the S. Maria Novella train station and near downtown Florence.
AIM Group Italy – Florence office
Viale G. Mazzini 70 – 50132 Florence – Italy
Phone: +39 055 233881
email: emmc2026@aimgroup.eu