The strategic lines of internationalization of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) and the related actions and initiatives are defined with reference both to the enhancement of international excellences already present and to strengthening of international cultural and scientific collaborations.
DICEA promotes student mobility in general and whithin the program in which partecipates, especially the International PhD program in Civil and Environmental Engineering and the agreements for joint degrees in Engineering.
The department also maintains intense exchanges of cultural and scientific collaboration inviting visiting professors.
Important news regards the master degree in Geoengineering, a study course completely taught in English.
In the context of internationalization it is certainly worth mentioning the activity of the teachers of the scientific sectors ICAR01 and ICAR02 in the framework of the UNESCO Chair on "Prevention and sustainable management of hydrogeological risk". The Chair is the first in this field that Italy has proposed in the UNESCO and was established in 2016, promoters Nicola Casagli of the Department of Earth Sciences and Fabio Castelli of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
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