National and regional projects


Research Programs of National Interest (PRIN)




Safety Equilibrium Conditions for rivers UndeR changing climatEs (SECURE)
Scientific Responsible: Simona Francalanci (Principal Investigator)
Project start year: 2023


ManagIng plastic traNspOrt in riverS and coaStal arEas (MINOSSE)
Scientific Responsible: Luca Solari (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2023


PRIN 2022


Flash-FLOOD risk at crossings between ROAD and river networks (FLOOD@ROAD)
Scientific Responsible: Chiara Arrighi (PrincipaI Investigator)
Project start year: 2023


Creating Agricultural reSilience Through smaLl rEservoirs (CASTLE)
Scientific Responsible: Enrica Caporali (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2023


The role of morphodynamics in river floods: assessment of relevant processes, advanced physics-based modelling, and real-time forecasting (MORFLOOD)
Scientific Responsible: Simona Francalanci (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2023


Integrating innovative N-removing biofilm processes and excess sludge valorization technologies for the development of energy- and material-efficient wastewater treatment plants (N4En)
Scientific Responsible: Tommaso Lotti (Principal Investigator)
Project start year: 2023


NonlinEar Phenomena in floaTing offshore wind tUrbiNEs (NEPTUNE)
Scientific Responsible: Enzo Marino (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2023


PRIN 2017


Fluid dynamics of hearts at risk of failure: towards methods for the prediction of disease progression
Scientific Responsible: Federico Domenichini (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2019


PRIN 2015


Mitigating the impacts of natural hazards on cultural heritage sites, structures and artefacts (MICHe)
Scientific Responsible: Fabio Castelli (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2016


GAMHer - Geomatics data acquisition and management for landscape and built heritage in a european perspective
Scientific Responsible: Grazia Tucci (Local Unit Responsible)
Project start year: 2016

Regional Operational Program CreO ERDF 2014-2020


Building Information Modeling for Racking SystemsAcronimo (BIM_RackS)
Scientific Responsible: Maurizio Orlando
UNIFI role: Partner
Abstract (pdf )
Project start year: 2022


Soluzioni avanzate per la gestione ed il recupero di materia negli impianti di trattamento acque reflue (IDRO.SMART)
Scientific Responsible: Claudio Lubello
UNIFI role: Partner
Abstract (pdf)
Project start year: 2020


Innovation in Systems for analysis and control in WAter Treatment (i-SWAT)
Scientific Responsible: Giulio Munz
UNIFI role: Partner
Abstract (pdf)
Project start year: 2018


Smart Industrial Steel Structures (SmartISS)
Scientific Responsible: Maurizio Orlando
UNIFI role: Partner
Abstract (pdf)
Project start year: 2018


Nuovi sistemi di recupero risorse e depurazione/trattamento reflui per una sostenibilità integrata di filiera del comparto conciario (LIGHTAN)
Scientific Responsible:Giulio Munz
UNIFI role: Partner
Abstract (pdf)
Project start year: 2015





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