MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships "NEW-TECH"

New energy harvesting technology for prolonging batteries life of implantable electronic devices (NEW-TECH)

"New energy harvesting  technology for prolonging batteries life of implantable electronic devices” (NEW-TECH), aims at developing a multilayer-polymer-based energy harvester (EH) device.

The project's main goal is to create the next generation of energy harvesters, based on biocompatible polymeric layered thin films, to supply energy to batteries for health wearable devices, such as cardiac pacemakers.

The research activities are carried out in the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering of Florence University.    




 - NEW-TECH Facebook page

- NEW-TECH YouTube channel

- NEW-TECH X page

 - NEW-TECH Linkedin page

Video - about NEW-TECH



CORDIS  (EU Funded projects' webpages)

Horizon Europe

Supported with European Union's Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01, NEW-TECH), under grant agreement No 101147327.


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