A partire dal gennaio 2018 e per un mandato di sei anni il Prof. Paolo Maria Mariano farà parte del Comitato Editoriale delle "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society".
Così la Royal Society descrive la rivista che ha pubblicato lavori di Newton, Darwin, Faraday:
«Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society is the oldest, continuously published journal in the world, and it celebrated its 350th anniversary in 2015. Today's Philosophical Transactions A is a modern, international journal that is published as 26 dedicated Theme Issues per year; each issue is dedicated to a specific area of the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences. The areas selected define a research frontier that is advancing rapidly, often bridging traditional disciplines. Also, several Theme Issues each year derive from the prestigious Royal Society Discussion Meetings relating to the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences.»
Congratulazioni al prof. Paolo Maria Mariano per il prestigioso risultato raggiunto.
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