Increasing the avaibility of the Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach

A seminar by Paola Mazzoglio on December 4 - 10,30 S.Marta

Increasing the avaibility of the Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach

On December 4th at S. Marta at 10.30am in Aula 171 there will be the seminar

Increasing the avaibility of the Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach

by prof. Paola Mazzoglio, Politecnico di Torino


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Hydrological data are essential for managing water resources, protecting against extreme events, and understanding climate change. In this seminar, we will explore the principles behind river flow measurements and discuss where these valuable data can be found across Italy. However, accessibility remains a significant challenge: a large portion of this data currently exists only in paper format and is awaiting digitalization. To address this issue, the citizen science project SIREN (Saving Italian hydRological mEasuremeNts) was launched.
The initiative aims to involve the public in the digitalization of historical hydrological data, which are still preserved exclusively in printed form. By transforming these records into digital datasets, SIREN not only ensures their preservation but also enhances their usability for researchers, engineers, and policymakers.


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